Friday, January 1, 2010

Real life is about to start...

Over the past few days, we have had the privilege of having my parents down to help (enormously) with the unpacking and decorating. We are LOVING the new house and are looking forward to many years of effective ministry in and through it!

With my parents now on their way back to Indiana, the transition begins to draw to a close and real life is about to begin!

The girls hit the ground running and start school on Monday morning and Sheila will be working to get Myah registered for a pre-school. While school is going, I am sure that she will continue to work hard on all of the transition related items (including taking the dreaded written driving test to transfer our licences.)

On Monday morning (and again next Monday), I have a 4-hour "webinar" with a number of other Stadia Church planters from across the nation and Jim Putman (a guy who planted and saw the church grow from 0 to 8,500 in five years!).

The information we will be working through relates to the development of our "Philosophy of Ministry" (particularly the development of our Discipleship process) paper that I will present at our Church Planter's Boot Camp (a five day intensive training event in Johnson City, TN) in two weeks! WOW!!!

This kind of thing is the reason that we chose Stadia - can you imagine how easy it would be to overlook the development of critical systems (like the discipleship process) because of the more immediate, relational demands of church planting? With this kind of support, we will be able to manage the critical components of relationships on the ground here in TN as well as the vital systems development that will sustain the church once we launch!

In addition to the webinars (and the hundreds of pages of reading that I need to complete before them), I will spend a number of critical hours connecting with our "launch team" that exists here in the Jackson area (many of these people were very helpful in getting our stuff off of the truck, settled in the house and helping us with meals and generally feeling loved!). I look forward to developing this team over the coming months as we work toward LAUNCH SUNDAY!!!

Much more to come soon as everything transitions (including the content of this blog...)


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