Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's a bit weird...

This past weekend, we made a trip with our team down to Atlanta, GA to see the guys at Northpoint in action. Over the years, the philosophies of Northpoint and some of the leaders there have had a big impact on my life and ministry. I thought it would be vital for our team to see for themselves some of the things I talk so much about.

I knew what I was getting into...

Like I said, over the years I have read everything that has come out of NPCC - the books, the blogs - even made some great friends who help others understand some of what they think. So, I guess it's safe to say that I knew what I was getting into.

But, I never expected this...

Over the last 16 years, I have been in and out of a lot of churches. Sure, I wanted to see what they did in the worship center - I cared how welcomed I felt - I think about how they do what they do. But, over those years, I care most about what they did for students! Every time I have been in a church, I make a bee-line for their youth center!

It was a bit weird for me as I toured the facilities at Norhtpoint's Alpharetta campus to think about things like welcome centers, pre-school check-in processes, greeter placement AND THE WAY THEY TOOK THE STINKIN OFFERING!

I don't exactly know what to do with this!!! I still feel just as much an interest in seeing God do some amazing things in families! I still want to see kids come to faith in Christ and grow because of the significant relationships that they build with other believers! Honestly, now more than ever, I want to see adults who are effectively trained and empowered to serve Christ with kids! IT'S JUST DIFFERENT LOOKING AT IT FROM THIS SEAT!

If I'm honest, the whole thing was a bit emotional... a very big chapter of my life and ministry has drawn to a close... a very big... very important chapter.

Students... particularly at New Hope... I MISS YOU GUYS!!!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What's in a name?

What's in a name? For a church... A LOT! A name communicates a great deal about what a person who chooses to come will find when they get inside. In a way, it makes a promise to people that you best make good on.

For us, the journey to a name has been long. Remember, the vision for this church plant is over 20 years old. So, dreams for the name have been numerous. Today, I am glad to join with our launch team in announcing our official name as Journey Church.

This name comes to our team after a long time of wrestling through mission and vision. We wanted to ensure that our name fit well with the mission that God is calling us to (helping people take their next step toward Christ). We also wanted to assign a name to this local body that doesn't prohibit future movement of the congregation as we settle or expansion as the idea of multi-site church develops in our area.

We did wrestle for some time over the simple reality that there are many churches called "Journey", but the reality is that churches popping up (and pooping out) all over the world and coming up with an original name is a USELESS venture. In all honesty, I wrestled with the mission statement of "helping people take their next step" because it was what we settled on at New Hope (a decision that I played a significant part in) - the truth is that it works now as well as it did then - it's hard to improve on the road that God has brought you down. :-)

Rick Warren said it best telling a story of a man he knew who insisted that he "would be ORIGINAL or NOTHING!" - he wound up being BOTH!

The simple truth is that the most important thing about both mission and name is that we OWN that name. It's not enough to come up with a great marketing brand, we need to WORK to ingrain the name and vision into our Church's DNA... so that the reality of helping people take their "next step" on the journey is both seen on a sign and an "unseen" part of what makes us tick!

Pray for us as we work to that end... (by the way, for the time being please continue to make checks payable to "Fellowship Christian Church" until we get our paperwork back from the state.)


Thursday, January 28, 2010

$5000 becomes $10,000!

As many of you know, we are in the HEAT of fund raising. I know that hearing that is not exactly exciting (especially with things they way they are). But, get this - there has never been a better time to bring a message of hope to a lost and hurting world!

As I have mentioned before, due to a generous matching grant we are able to offer a one to one match for every dollar donated right now. To date, we have collected $5000 in cash and commitments that was matched to a total of $10,000! Can you see how important this time is? Thanks to all of you who have sacrificed a dinner out (or one a month) to support building God's Kingdom!

Are you wondering what that money would be used for if you chose to help?

Starting a church is a lot like starting a business - a very expensive business that takes a long time to be self-sufficient!

On top of things like caring for my family, we see a significant need to start off with a strong investment in family ministries. Imagine for a moment how much materials need to be purchased to run a "portable" children's ministry for 100+ kids (nursery, toddlers, elementary)! Think about the toys that little ones play with - think about "transforming" a hallway at a theater into a nursery that is safe enough for a new parent to trust us with their newborn baby. Here's an example:

And don't forget about equipment. The temporary homes of churches aren't set up for things like stages, lighting, video equipment (projectors and screens) and sound.

Not to mention all of the things that every church takes for granted - things like communion ware, offering plates (so we need to do less fund raising :-), coffee makers, tables, chairs, signs telling people where the restrooms and children's classes are, office supplies, office equipment all the way down to paper cups and napkins!

Another expense is transporting all of that equipment... where do you put all of that stuff so that it's safe and easily transported back and forth to our temporary home? TRAILERS!

BUT, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS THIS: Everything from napkins and toddler toys to video projectors and sound equipment are purchased and in their place to HELP PEOPLE TAKE THEIR NEXT STEP TOWARD JESUS!

So now the question is this... How can you help? Remember, every single dollar will be matched 1 to 1! No contribution is too small. $5 becomes $10 - if 100 people gave just $5, we would raise $1000! That would be enough to help our nursery have a clean floor to sit on!

A little bit goes a long way with church planting!!

Consider how God might use YOU today!! (Click the "Donate" button below to help via Paypal!)


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This is the way Church should be!

For the past couple of weeks, I have used the local "Books-A-Million" store as my temporary office. It has just the right balance of noise, people and coffee for me to be able to concentrate and stay on task.

Each time I have been in, there have been a number of different "Barista" in the "Joe Muggs" coffee shop... some more helpful than others. But there is one in particular that has stood out among the masses... Ambrosia.

Now, serving specialty coffee to the public cannot be one of America's most desirable jobs, but you can't tell it with Ambrosia - every single customer - young, old, picky or kind gets the same huge smile and personal attention. I don't know what goes on in her head - I don't know what is happening in her life, but when she is behind the counter - her attention is on her customers!

Dream with me for a minute... WHAT IF church was like that? What if you walked into a church and every single person who has been there more than twice started catching on that THIS was a place to SERVE people. Not just the greeters - not just the ushers - not just the people who serve communion - AND NOT JUST THE PASTOR!

WHAT IF church had a CULTURE of putting other's needs before your own? WHAT IF, when the person on the platform told you to greet the people around you and he had to STOP you from talking to a person you didn't know?

Th reality is, Ambrosia has dedicated herself to serving the public - and she serves COFFEE!

The CHURCH should have a culture of service - and it starts with ME!

Monday, January 11, 2010


We are VERY pleased to announce a special opportunity to help support all that is happening (and will be happening) here in Tennessee!

I have mentioned this before, but a special contribution came in that would allow a ONE TO ONE MATCH for every dollar contributed!

I know that when Sheila and I have considered contributing toward a project, we have at times felt like what we were able to contribute was so insignificant that we were embarrassed. We want you to know that every single dollar contributed is placed exactly where God has it... $1... $10... $100 or more... it doesn't matter to us! At this point in the ministry, we are trying to scratch together every single penny to cover my salary and the start up costs involved in this new project.

So, here is a challenge: For the cause of Christ, could you skip going out to dinner one night and send the money to the church plant? Just getting a stamp on it will cause it to double given this matching grant! I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but $10 becomes $20... that is a great deal of help to us!

So, if this is something you want to do, just make out the check to FELLOWSHIP CHRISTIAN CHURCH (our temporary name) and send it to PO BOX 561 MEDINA, TN 38355.

For the glory and renown of the King!


Saturday, January 9, 2010

A million miles an hour!

What a week! My first official week as a full time church planter is officially over. Right now, I am in the thick of making sure that our little project is firmly seated on a firm foundation of discipleship. I want to make sure that while we will put a large emphasis on the weekend, our church has a desire to disciple people firmly placed in its DNA (something that has been heavily invested in my life and ministry over the last 7 years... Thanks, George!!)

Amidst all of the reading, studying, thinking and talking, I am producing a philosophy of ministry paper that I will need to present at church planter's "boot camp" next week in Johnson City, TN. I am glad to say that Andy DeGroff is taking the time off work and making the trip down for the week! (for those of you who don't know, He and his wife Rachelle are doing everything they can to move to this area from Bryan, OH to be our Worship Pastor). It's going to be a great week (a bit overwhelming, but great!!!)

This week, I will attend a "webinar" that will spend 4 hours walking myself and a number of other planters through the theology of the restoration movement to ensure that our philosophies of ministry make a big deal out of the things that Bible makes a big deal... I know it sounds boring, but it is both helpful - - and very sharp!

I am also hard at work developing our launch/growth strategy that should be done within the next few weeks... along with a timeline that you can all pray through!!!

Thanks, everyone!!!


Friday, January 1, 2010

Real life is about to start...

Over the past few days, we have had the privilege of having my parents down to help (enormously) with the unpacking and decorating. We are LOVING the new house and are looking forward to many years of effective ministry in and through it!

With my parents now on their way back to Indiana, the transition begins to draw to a close and real life is about to begin!

The girls hit the ground running and start school on Monday morning and Sheila will be working to get Myah registered for a pre-school. While school is going, I am sure that she will continue to work hard on all of the transition related items (including taking the dreaded written driving test to transfer our licences.)

On Monday morning (and again next Monday), I have a 4-hour "webinar" with a number of other Stadia Church planters from across the nation and Jim Putman (a guy who planted and saw the church grow from 0 to 8,500 in five years!).

The information we will be working through relates to the development of our "Philosophy of Ministry" (particularly the development of our Discipleship process) paper that I will present at our Church Planter's Boot Camp (a five day intensive training event in Johnson City, TN) in two weeks! WOW!!!

This kind of thing is the reason that we chose Stadia - can you imagine how easy it would be to overlook the development of critical systems (like the discipleship process) because of the more immediate, relational demands of church planting? With this kind of support, we will be able to manage the critical components of relationships on the ground here in TN as well as the vital systems development that will sustain the church once we launch!

In addition to the webinars (and the hundreds of pages of reading that I need to complete before them), I will spend a number of critical hours connecting with our "launch team" that exists here in the Jackson area (many of these people were very helpful in getting our stuff off of the truck, settled in the house and helping us with meals and generally feeling loved!). I look forward to developing this team over the coming months as we work toward LAUNCH SUNDAY!!!

Much more to come soon as everything transitions (including the content of this blog...)
