Thursday, August 27, 2009

Plans for the future

I remember exactly where I was sitting one of my first weeks at New Hope when I heard Pastor George say that one of his goals in life was to "go to Heaven one day and take as many people as possible with me." That day, and others like it, changed me forever! For 16 years, I have challenged students and adults to listen closely to God's call on their life and "get in where they fit in." I would be a hypocrite if I did not do the same!

Yesterday afternoon, we announced a couple of "staff transitions" to the ministry team (staff) before I shared that same information with our 30+ student minsitry leaders and nearly 200 students last night at "The Edge." (the room is still a mess :-) As many of you have come to understand through both facebook and the letter that New Hope people have/will receive today, I am in fact following God's call on my life to move to Jackson, TN to start a new church! We are extremely excited (and sad) to see what God is going to do!

Over the coming months, I will focus my attention on completing the campaign we have launched to see 80% of our church go through FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSTIY (that's nearly 700 people guys - register now if you haven't already!!!). This morning, I met with our team of volunteers who are heading that effort up to ensure that we keep our eye on the ball - - people's financial peace hangs in the balance! I am glad to say that our meeting was successful and we are united in our desire to see my last project here at New Hope be a great success!

During these coming months (before we move in late December), there is also a great deal of work that will need to be done to prepare the way for what God is going to do in Jackson! We are excited about this opportunity because we know that this is our opportunity not to create another church for "church people", but to reach those who do not yet know Christ! A while back, a friend asked me "why Jackson?" after I thought about it, I decided" "Why not? When we get to Heaven, God isn't going to ask us where we came from." After months of investigation and prayer, Sheila and I are certain that God is calling us to plant His Church in Jackson. We are confident that God has pre-determined a significant number of people to be reached with the unbelievable message of God's rediculous love for us! (I need to stop here or I will start preaching) :-)

Anyway, the question is certainly being raised (hasn't facebook changed the world?) about what New Hope will be like "without Jeremy." I want you to know that I cannot imagine a better time to be at New Hope Community Church! I know (first hand) that we as an Elder Team are holding the filling of these two full-time positions (the other relates to another staff person - I will allow you to read that in the letter) as the absolute HIGHEST PRIORITY! We all need to keep our eye on the simple truth that the Church is that for which Christ died! We need to remember that God reassigns His team as He sees fit and I am confident - moreso, POSITIVE - that God has already began to work in the heart of the men that HE has for these positions! These men will be better fits and more effective than we are and will do their part to take this church to the next level of effectiveness! Seriously, discouragement at this point is EXACTLY what Satan wants... DON'T GIVE IN!

For those of you who are friends of mine from around the country, I am sorry to have kept you in the dark (particularly last night as you begged for details), there is simply far too much information to post in a facebook status (and twitter limits me to 140 characters anyway).I am so thankful for each of you and what you meant to our family! We are looking forward to a great future with New Hope - our relationship will not end here! We are working on the details of a continued partnership for the years to come as this church continues to reach "beyond our walls" to those outside a relationship with Christ - - even if they live in Jackson, TN!

There is much more to cover, but status updates (and future notes) will likely make those more clear.Thank you all for your kind words, support and most of all....PRAYER!!!!!!


1 comment:

Adam McLane said...

I think in your time at New Hope you've helped/prayed with me through 3-4 ministry transitions. I know you loved your time in Bryan, that makes me know you must be sure about the new venture. I'll be praying for you. Wrapping up one adventure and starting a new... sounds like a cool challenge to me.