What an amazing experience - and I am not just talking about the environment, the glitz, the people or the things that they intended for you to be impressed with.
Think about the auto industry.
I have a few friends in the industry (either in sales, dealerships or in the production end) and by all accounts (friends, media, stocks, etc), the industry is hurting. People are just trying to keep their car running longer in an effort to avoid buying large ticket items.
But you can't tell it from the Auto Show!
It was amazing the amount of money, effort and manpower put into putting the best foot of any product forward. It was just as awe inspiring this weekend as it was when I was a kid going to the Chicago show.
Think about church... here is what I am thinking.
If we are honest, there is a thought or two out there that the church is hurting... according to David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons authors of a book called 'Unchristian', "Christianity has an image problem."
Has that perception that is out there stopped us from thinking innovatively about reaching the lost? Have we bothered developing concepts and ideas that might work to revive both the perception and the effectiveness of the Church? Do we really understand that Church IS God's plan to reach a lost and hurting world? This group of people who get together once a week is SO MUCH MORE than that - this is the living, breathing Bride of Christ!
Here is a picture of my dad and I standing in front of a "concept" car for Jeep... just a creative, innovative way to reach a new audience for them - an aggressive attempt to reach a new market.

I am excited to be a part of a church that isn't afraid of rethinking the way we do things to make room for new thoughts, new ideas and most of all for new PEOPLE who don't know Jesus yet!! (We will unpack more of this in the February Sermon series you are hearing so much about!)