Monday, July 16, 2007


I heard a guy on the Radio today read this passage.

It's a familiar story to me about the Biblical character Esther. Maybe it's familiar because of Sunday School stories growing up - - or maybe because of the Veggie Tale's animated video... who knows.

What stuck with me wasn't the story of Esther and her correspondence back and forth with distant family... it wasn't the ongoing saga of the Hebrew people... it wasn't even the deep meaning of the passage.

What stuck with me was the simple phrase "for such a time as this."

Think about that one... Here is this chick - one girl - in a kind of influential place. Not that she has the King's ear - in fact, if she just walks into the room where he is, she is positive she won't walk out to tell the story. Seriously - she hasn't even been in to see the guy in a month and her cousin wants her to step out on a limb for the Hebrew people? That is a pretty flimsy limb!

The bottom line for me was that phrase... it stuck... because of what was just before it. "And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"

It hit me: God has a plan. I mean think about it... here is this girl who is not even influential enough to walk uninvited into the room with the king and she is exactly where God wants her to be to do exactly what He wants her to do. WOW!

How often do I think... "well, I don't really have the influence to make that kind of difference." The truth is that I would rather complain and moan (less kind words substituted for paletability) about how things are going than just nut up and do something about it (kind words not substituted for effect).

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