Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quotes from Orange 2009... so far

"Serving is the calling of every believer - volunteers aren't here to help us pastors do our job, we are here to help volunteers do their job" Stuart Hall

People will do what you INspect, not necessarrily what you EXpect... Applications for leadership... Ministry...parenting... (conglomeration of stuff I learned yesterday)

"We never look more like Christ than when we are rescuing!" Francis Chan

God isn't interested as much in our perfection as He is in using broken people to tell His story of redemption & restoration - Reggie Joiner

Every generation needs a revolution! Every revolution is built by volunteers!! Anyone?

Jim Wideman... "Every church has problems - pick the church with the set of problems you want to solve and start making it happen"

Jim Wideman... "Do when you're small what you will need to do when you are large and you will grow to be large" systems are the key!

Dan Reiland... "Make mistakes, make lots of mistakes, make big mistakes - but don't make the same mistake twice... LEARN from mistakes!"